In this article, we’ll talk about what factors we think are important in business development. Moreover, we want to note that they are constantly important. That is, these are factors that must be maintained constantly, in any state of business, in all situations. Otherwise, your business will simply stop or, even worse, lose position.
What factors have a strong and constant impact on the development of a business?
We are talking about three business factors (or elements) – attention, reputation, and trust. They are absolutely interrelated and can hardly exist separately from each other (at least, a single factor will never be as effective as in their synergistic interaction). Nevertheless, let’s have a look at each of these factors separately.
It’s not hard to guess that you need to get attention first and that it’s the first step in this cycle of factors affecting business development. This should be done, of course, by means of marketing and advertising (in particular, Internet marketing and advertising). And, while it may seem simple and logical, many people make this mistake: they simply do not attract enough potential customers to their company.
Excuses like “it takes money” are not accepted. It’s easier, and faster with money, we can’t argue here, but there are some free ways, the same social networks, for example. It will take time, but it’s worth it. It is better, of course, if you can delegate this task to someone, and deal with the strategic tasks of business development yourself.
At the end of the paragraph, I want to say a banal but really important thing: to develop your business, the first thing to do is to attract the attention of potential consumers.
Reputation is a factor that can significantly affect the development of your business. What is reputation? Professional team leaders from the company give the answer: reputation is a clear opinion about your business and/or product, how your business looks in the eyes of consumers. And it does not have to be true (although most often it is true, in fact). Working on a reputation is hard work, it takes a long time to build from the very first business beginnings, without a guarantee of success.
But, nevertheless, reputations can be managed, even manipulated, if you like. I don’t know about ethical business norms, but there are a lot of opportunities and tools today, especially on the Internet, to “impose” a positive opinion of yourself. Among other things how well this can work in the long run depends on the next factor on our list of factors that influence on business development.
Trust is the factor that can only be influenced by your work, only by the competent conduct of your business. You cannot improve customer confidence through any intermediaries, no money cannot buy trust. Only a direct relationship with your audience can build trust to you. Here it’s up to everyone: on the one side, you really need to act competently, with an emphasis on customer focus and hard work (manipulation and easy ways are not enough), on the other side – all in your hands.
Trust can bring stability to your business. Customers who trust will come back, and that’s the foundation of a stable business. Therefore, gaining customer trust is a very important strategic business goal. At the same time, having gained the trust of consumers, we almost automatically raise our reputation, too.
To make it clear, let’s say in simple words what the difference is: reputation is some average opinion about your business, and trust is a personal attitude of each potential and real customer. And, if reputation, as was said, can somehow be managed, then trust cannot be controlled in any way. Only your work and attitude towards the audience will affect this.
It’s critical to understand that business development does not happen overnight.
So, the factors that affect business development: trust, reputation, attention. Keep them in mind at all times, they are important.